Строительные работы

1.Подготовительные работы: расчитска от строительного мусора, замена грунтов с послойным уплотнением, устройство подстилающего слоя из ПГС, свайное поле, монолитная плита! 




10 o'clock in the morning local time, September 19, Dankov Economic Zone lipetskaya Oblast Russia,the sun shone brightly & cloudless. The Angel yeast facility (20,000 MT ) construction kicked off as the excavators start up. That means Angel Yeast Co., (Russia) Ltd start sailing. Mr Li Zhihong the GM of Angel Yeast inspected preparation works on site, had a deeply communication and in-depth exchanges with the contractors. He asked the contractors to ensure excavation works shall be finished before this October 2015It’s said Angel Yeast plant Dankov Russian is second overseas facility after Egypt. That will be build up into the most up to dated yeast plant in Russia, and in Angel Yeast group as wellThe new Angel facility building in Russia shall continue optimize the Angel Yeast Production global overall manufacturing arrangement; accelerating the implementation of internationalization, further reducing manufacturing costs, boost the global competitiveness & impact power, specially in Russian & CIS countries market. Начало Данков


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